Hai guys, yup sekarang gue punya cita-cita baru yaitu untuk menjadi....
guess what???
yaa, gimana menurut lu? apa yang tergambar di otak kalian setelah gue ngomong itu??
kasus pembunuhan??
atau lu mungkin bergedik ngeliatnya.
yaa tapi emang itu cita-cita gue, Insya Allah bisa terkabul.
tapi nih ya hampir tiap orang yang gue kasih tau kalo gue pengen jadi dokter forensik pasti pada menganga dan terkejut-kejut mendengarnya.
bahkan keluarga gue aja sampe menyuruh gue ganti cita-cita
tapi gimana yaa? emang itu udah keinginan gue ya susah untuk di ubah
orang tua gue sendiri sih membolehkan aja asal gue siap segalanya. mental dan otak (amiin). tapi yang masih jadi pertanyaan adalah, apakah emang itu udah jadi pilihan terakhir gue? atau gue masih labil dalam memilih cita0cita ya?
kayak kemaren aja pas kak celine cerita tentang bioteknologi gitu, gue jadi pengen jadi ahli bioteknologi juga. huu, selain itu gue masih ada hati ke management.
tapi nih ya gue pengen jadi Sp.F karena S2-nya cume 6 semester. itu termasuk dikit loh dibanding S2 kedokteran lainnya.
semoga aja Allah kasih jalan yang terbaik buat gue tapi untuk sampai saat ini gue positif pengen jadi DOKTER FORENSIK
nantikan Dr. Gisty Ajeng Septami, Sp.F yaaa!!!
My Special Day
Posted in
Rabu, 15 September 2010
Mungkin gue telat banget kali ya baru ngepost tentang ultah gue sekarang, abisnya gue baru ol di pc. gue mau cerita tentang ultah gue ke 16 tahun kemaren, 2 September 2010.
Kemaren itu tanggal 1 September gue nonton Becoming Jane sama Prika dan Meva. yap, itu detik2 ultah gue. setelah itu, tanggal 1 September 2010 jam 23:58 ada seseorang yang terlalu terobsesi menjadi pengucap ultah gue pertama. hehe, maaf ya tapi gue hargai kok. nih gue lampirin ucapan dari seseorang itu. hahahaha
"happy birthday my beloved friend gisty ajeng septami, wish you all the best, and hope your whises comes true, sorry i can't attend the fun tomorrow, it's very dissapointed i can't see you full of egg, water and flour, hahaha and especially the baloon, just kidding, hope you get the best for everything"
gue seneng banget dapet ucapan pertamanya dari tuh orang, haha walaupun kecepetan 2 menit tuh haha.
Kemaren itu tanggal 1 September gue nonton Becoming Jane sama Prika dan Meva. yap, itu detik2 ultah gue. setelah itu, tanggal 1 September 2010 jam 23:58 ada seseorang yang terlalu terobsesi menjadi pengucap ultah gue pertama. hehe, maaf ya tapi gue hargai kok. nih gue lampirin ucapan dari seseorang itu. hahahaha
"happy birthday my beloved friend gisty ajeng septami, wish you all the best, and hope your whises comes true, sorry i can't attend the fun tomorrow, it's very dissapointed i can't see you full of egg, water and flour, hahaha and especially the baloon, just kidding, hope you get the best for everything"
gue seneng banget dapet ucapan pertamanya dari tuh orang, haha walaupun kecepetan 2 menit tuh haha.
The miracle of 'Good Luck'
Posted in
Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010
Good Luck!!
Hmm, apa yang terlintas dari otak lu kalo lu dapet kata2 dari itu? Mungkin kalian semangat atau mungkin juga kalian malah bosan sama kata2 itu.
Gue? Bosen bisa dibilang iya. Tapi kalo menurut posting gue yang lalu. Kata2 apapun dapat berarti lebih tergantung siapa yang bilang.
Orang yang kemaren bilang 2 cm ke kanan dan ke kiri itu dia yg ngasih semangat ke gue dengan kata GOOD LUCK itu :)
Dulu gue sumpah deh boosen juga dibilangin itu mulu sm tuh orang. Good luck good luck huft, kayak gak ada kalimat lain aja. Tapi pas udah gak nemu kata2 itu lagi gue ngerasa kehilangan banget kata2 itu. Hehe, berharga gak sih tuh kata2? banget, jawabnya.
Hmm, apa yang terlintas dari otak lu kalo lu dapet kata2 dari itu? Mungkin kalian semangat atau mungkin juga kalian malah bosan sama kata2 itu.
Gue? Bosen bisa dibilang iya. Tapi kalo menurut posting gue yang lalu. Kata2 apapun dapat berarti lebih tergantung siapa yang bilang.
Orang yang kemaren bilang 2 cm ke kanan dan ke kiri itu dia yg ngasih semangat ke gue dengan kata GOOD LUCK itu :)
Dulu gue sumpah deh boosen juga dibilangin itu mulu sm tuh orang. Good luck good luck huft, kayak gak ada kalimat lain aja. Tapi pas udah gak nemu kata2 itu lagi gue ngerasa kehilangan banget kata2 itu. Hehe, berharga gak sih tuh kata2? banget, jawabnya.
2 cm ke kiri 2 cm ke kanan
Posted in
Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010
Mungkin kalian udah gak asing lagi sama kata2 di atas. Yap, gue juga ngerasa itu tuh bukan sesuatu yg baru lg buat gue. Dan sekarang gue masih bingung apakah bibir gue tuh bisa selebar itu? Hmm, yasudahlah lupakan dulu itu sejenak. Sekarang gue pengen cerita betapa istimewanya tuh kata2 (lebay)
Sebenarnya kata2 apapun itu bisa jadi istimewa tergantung siapa yang bilang. Hihi. Nah kalimat itu jadi spesial buat gue karna dia orang yg bilang itu tuh orang yg gue kira dia tuh udah gak peduli sm gue. Ternyata.............
On Wednesday, August 18th 2010 on inbox fb.
Dia nge message gue yang intinya dia bilang kalo gue tuh jangan sering marah2 di twitter. Gue harus jaga bibir gue untuk 2 cm ke kanan 2 cm ke kiri. Haha. Gue juga disuruh untuk supaya bibir gue gak berbentuk parabola. Hihi. Makasih ya ternyata lu msh care sama gue. Maaf gue suka marah2 gak jelas kalo udah emosi. Thanks juga lu msh suka timeline gue. Maaf juga karna gue pernah marah sm lu krn alasannya lu suka marah2 di twitter. Pokonya 2 kata buat lu. Sorry and thanks.
Sekarang gue mau coba mengamalkan kalimat itu. Nih ya 2 cm ke kanan 2 cm ke kiri :))))) udah cukup lebar belum tuh senyum gue? Hehe
Ok, udah dulu ya. Gue bakal mengakhiri post gue kali ini dgn senyuman yang lebar :)))))))))))))
Sebenarnya kata2 apapun itu bisa jadi istimewa tergantung siapa yang bilang. Hihi. Nah kalimat itu jadi spesial buat gue karna dia orang yg bilang itu tuh orang yg gue kira dia tuh udah gak peduli sm gue. Ternyata.............
On Wednesday, August 18th 2010 on inbox fb.
Dia nge message gue yang intinya dia bilang kalo gue tuh jangan sering marah2 di twitter. Gue harus jaga bibir gue untuk 2 cm ke kanan 2 cm ke kiri. Haha. Gue juga disuruh untuk supaya bibir gue gak berbentuk parabola. Hihi. Makasih ya ternyata lu msh care sama gue. Maaf gue suka marah2 gak jelas kalo udah emosi. Thanks juga lu msh suka timeline gue. Maaf juga karna gue pernah marah sm lu krn alasannya lu suka marah2 di twitter. Pokonya 2 kata buat lu. Sorry and thanks.
Sekarang gue mau coba mengamalkan kalimat itu. Nih ya 2 cm ke kanan 2 cm ke kiri :))))) udah cukup lebar belum tuh senyum gue? Hehe
Ok, udah dulu ya. Gue bakal mengakhiri post gue kali ini dgn senyuman yang lebar :)))))))))))))
Alhamdulillah :)
Posted in
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
Haloo udah lama juga ya gue gak ngepost, haha. Selain males, lagian gak ada waktu sih (soksibuk)
Guys, sekarang gue punya kejutan loh buat lu.
Alhamdulillah sekarang gue udah pake jilbab. sebenarnya ini adalah keinginan gue dari SMP cuma baru bisa terealisasikannya sekarang.
Gue mulai pake jilbab pas lagi ambil rapot kemaren. dan gak disangka juga Dhata juga dateng dan pake jilbab. sama? gak. dhata telah memulainya dari sehari sebelum ambil rapot. Alhamdulillah banget gue sekarang bisa mengamalkan surat AL A'raf ayat 26 (sok banget gue ya? padahal baru dijelasin tuh kemaren ayatnya). Pokoknya tuh surat menjelaskan kita harus menggunakan pakaian taqwa, yang menutup aurat gitu. hehe
Udah dulu ya, kapan-kapan gue lanjut ceritanya. Pokoknya sekarang gue lagi bersyukur banegt deh Allah telah memberikan hidayah-Nya ke gue. Thanks ya Allah.
Assalamualaikum :) (cukup islami kan gue?)
Guys, sekarang gue punya kejutan loh buat lu.
Alhamdulillah sekarang gue udah pake jilbab. sebenarnya ini adalah keinginan gue dari SMP cuma baru bisa terealisasikannya sekarang.
Gue mulai pake jilbab pas lagi ambil rapot kemaren. dan gak disangka juga Dhata juga dateng dan pake jilbab. sama? gak. dhata telah memulainya dari sehari sebelum ambil rapot. Alhamdulillah banget gue sekarang bisa mengamalkan surat AL A'raf ayat 26 (sok banget gue ya? padahal baru dijelasin tuh kemaren ayatnya). Pokoknya tuh surat menjelaskan kita harus menggunakan pakaian taqwa, yang menutup aurat gitu. hehe
Udah dulu ya, kapan-kapan gue lanjut ceritanya. Pokoknya sekarang gue lagi bersyukur banegt deh Allah telah memberikan hidayah-Nya ke gue. Thanks ya Allah.
Assalamualaikum :) (cukup islami kan gue?)
Having Fun with My Holiday
Posted in
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010
Hello Blogger.
Long time no see :))
Now, I want to tell you about my holiday.
There is nothing interesting about my holiday because i spent my holiday at home. The most interesting part is when my parents and i went to the cinema to watch Sang Pemimpi. I think this movie was very interesting. This movie told us about 2 boys who have a big dream. They want to become a Sorbonne University's student. To realize it, they had a dream that they can come to Jakarta to attend a class at Indonesian University, hoping that they can come to Germany by scholarship. They worked really to make their dream come true. They must confront with many problems in their life, From the friendship trouble to Ikal's school problem and Ikal's uncertainty about their dream, and others. But, with their perseverance, they can realize their dream. They succeed on their national exam and they come to Jakarta to study at UI. This is where the friendship trouble occured, Aray left Ikal alone at Jakarta. But,when the submission of the form of the Sorbonne scholarship is held, Ikal met Aray and finally they passed and went to Italy.
Hmmm, I thought that film increase my learning spirit. I felt so enthusiastic work harder for my dream.
Beside that, on holiday, I went to my cousin's wedding party at Depok. I felt so happy when I saw her. Because it had been a long time since I saw her. She looks so beautiful wearing kebaya at bridal dais. After that,my mother and i went to ITC Depok for shopping. We bought many present for my father's birthday and bought my obligation for living at the dorm.
Dec 29th,2009
My Father's Birthday
yeay!! We celebrated that. My mother and I gave my father surprise. He looks so happy with our plan and Alhamdulillah he also looked happy with our present. Love u yah.
January 2nd, 2010
In the last day of my holiday, my parents and I went to supermarket then we went to Taman Mini. Taman Mini view at night very beautiful. We sat at the side of the lake. We discussed everything. The atmosphere there is so charming. The birds are singing at the tree. But, I am so disgusted if I saw the people arround us. There are many couple so close. We were gone from Taman Mini at 10 p.m. I felt so happy.
January 3rd, 2010
I must to back to my school back to the dorm. So sad to leaving my parents. Because we'll meet 1 month again.huhu. I went to the dorm with my father. He drove a motorcycle. I brought 4 bags so our motorcycle is very full.we look as want to back to village. hahahahha :DD
I Think its enough story about my holiday.
How about your holiday?
I waiting for your story :))))
Bye. See you Next Time.
Long time no see :))
Now, I want to tell you about my holiday.
There is nothing interesting about my holiday because i spent my holiday at home. The most interesting part is when my parents and i went to the cinema to watch Sang Pemimpi. I think this movie was very interesting. This movie told us about 2 boys who have a big dream. They want to become a Sorbonne University's student. To realize it, they had a dream that they can come to Jakarta to attend a class at Indonesian University, hoping that they can come to Germany by scholarship. They worked really to make their dream come true. They must confront with many problems in their life, From the friendship trouble to Ikal's school problem and Ikal's uncertainty about their dream, and others. But, with their perseverance, they can realize their dream. They succeed on their national exam and they come to Jakarta to study at UI. This is where the friendship trouble occured, Aray left Ikal alone at Jakarta. But,when the submission of the form of the Sorbonne scholarship is held, Ikal met Aray and finally they passed and went to Italy.
Hmmm, I thought that film increase my learning spirit. I felt so enthusiastic work harder for my dream.
Beside that, on holiday, I went to my cousin's wedding party at Depok. I felt so happy when I saw her. Because it had been a long time since I saw her. She looks so beautiful wearing kebaya at bridal dais. After that,my mother and i went to ITC Depok for shopping. We bought many present for my father's birthday and bought my obligation for living at the dorm.
Dec 29th,2009
My Father's Birthday
yeay!! We celebrated that. My mother and I gave my father surprise. He looks so happy with our plan and Alhamdulillah he also looked happy with our present. Love u yah.
January 2nd, 2010
In the last day of my holiday, my parents and I went to supermarket then we went to Taman Mini. Taman Mini view at night very beautiful. We sat at the side of the lake. We discussed everything. The atmosphere there is so charming. The birds are singing at the tree. But, I am so disgusted if I saw the people arround us. There are many couple so close. We were gone from Taman Mini at 10 p.m. I felt so happy.
January 3rd, 2010
I must to back to my school back to the dorm. So sad to leaving my parents. Because we'll meet 1 month again.huhu. I went to the dorm with my father. He drove a motorcycle. I brought 4 bags so our motorcycle is very full.we look as want to back to village. hahahahha :DD
I Think its enough story about my holiday.
How about your holiday?
I waiting for your story :))))
Bye. See you Next Time.
One Time
Posted in
Sabtu, 28 November 2009

One Time
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
One time, one time
When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach won’t stop stop
And even though it’s a struggle love is all we got
And we gon’ keep keep climbing to the mountain top
Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart
And girl you’re my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
And I’ma be your one guy
You’ll be my one girl
Always making time for you
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
You look so deep, you know that it humbles me
You’re by my side, them troubles them not trouble me
Many have called but the chosen is you
Whatever you want shawty I’ll give it to you
Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart
And girl you’re my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
And I’ma be your one guy
You’ll be my one girl
Always making time for you
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
Shawty right there
She’s got everything I need
And I’ma tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime
She makes me happy
I know where I’ll be
Right by your side
‘Cause she is the one
And girl you’re my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
And I’ma be your one guy
You’ll be my one girl
Always making time for you
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I’ma tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
Me plus you, I’ma tell you one time
One time, one time
By: Justin Bieber
Ini lagu enak banget musiknya.
Yang nyanyi juga ganteng, haha :)
pokoknya top deh.
tapi kalo didenger-denger dengan cermat, musiknya tuh kayak lagunya Aku Wanita-nya Soul ID.
Buikannya mau mencari kambing hitam, tapi cuma lagi berbagi cerita aja.
Iya gak sih musiknya agak mirip?
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